Saturday, January 28, 2006

GMaps Flight Tracker - V1.1

The new version 1.1 supports
  • Tracking of airplanes (click on the small "T" near the plane in the left navigation section). The selected airplane will be the new center for the maps - also after reloading of data
  • Auto-Loading of new data - this is the new default and can be disabled in "Controls"
  • Direct links to Air Traffic Control (ATC) audio streams (click on the small arrow next to the airport to see the additional menu; only available for Boston, JFK and Los Angeles; sometimes these streams are down or you have to try 2 -3 times until you get a connection)
GMaps Flight Tracker was featured e.g. at

Saturday, January 21, 2006

GMaps Flight Tracker - first version released

Today we released the first version of GMaps Flight Tracker.

GMaps Flight Tracker shows incoming flights for some busy US airports (Atlanta, Boston, ...) using data provided by The data provided is based on position reports for each aircraft in general once per minute.

We are working on full Internet Explorer support (showing waypoint information in a fast way- anyway the over-all performance with Firefox is better right now so feel free to use Firefox for a great Flight Tracker experience.