Sunday, October 18, 2009

US Weather Radar Gadget - Issue with centering on Kansas

Due to an incompatible change in the geocoding API of Google we are facing difficulties with mapping ZIP-codes to geo-coordinates. A fix was introduced which should be active in the latest Us Weather Radar Gadget.

Some instances might have cached the Weather Radar gadget. Helpful is the following gadget from Google which enables you to control caching behaviour of gadgets:

Please let us know if you still have issues after turning off caching of the gadget. If it is working for you you can turn off caching again.

Update Oct. 20th: The issue with the Google geocoder is still not solved. We did further modifications to the geocoding process using 3 different geocoder now and will track results and issues. For us it is working so we need feedback if you have trouble even after turning off caching.


Unknown said...

I'm still seeing issues after turning off caching,.

Unknown said...

Turning off caching did not work; my US Weather Radar gadget is still centered on KS. Any other ideas?? Thank you! :)

Gary Q said...

Now I get a blank window for the gadget. Zero data.

Unknown said...

Yay! My gadget is back! :)

FYI to those who are still having difficulty: it only works if I select "center on zip code" rather than "center on GEO location" from the settings menu.

Thank you so much for fixing this gadget!! :) It is a favorite and one-of-a-kind among the weather gadgets. Love the radar, esp.

Anonymous said...

My zip code centering is (and has been) working correctly, but I do have a question about another matter...

First off I must say I'm in love with your gadget and have been using it for, now that I think of it, years.

Within (what I'm guessing) the past 6 months or so the gadget has developed a large white space below the map (and the links just under the map), within the frame it sits in on my homepage. In fact, the white space I'm speaking of is being shown in the preview of the gadget provided just before this post. I use a Mac and primarily Safari 4, however this space doesn't show up if I use Firefox.

Am I the only one seeing this in Safari? Is this just a browser issue and are there settings in Safari or somewhere else I can change to correct it?